Hot Sale: increase your online sales

Hot Sale, Black Friday or Cyber Monday… What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we hear these words? For sure we all think of incredible discounts. However, we can understand these online sales events in another way: as opportunities.

It’s clear that these events are very convenient for the public. Not only because of the low prices, but also because it’s possible to find a huge variety of products in just one place. For example, if it wasn’t for these events, it would be practically impossible to find a pair of shoes, a washing machine and a plane ticket just a few clicks away.

And that’s why these events are very beneficial for businesses as well. With the right eCommerce management, they can become a real opportunity to take your brand to another level.

Get the most out of your online store

How to optimize an online store? Answering this question would take forever. So, we are going to be more specific and we are going to explain what you should do to make the most of your eCommerce during online sales events such as Hot Sale, Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

1. Product photography

Did you know that 90% of the information our brain processes is visual? That’s why it’s very important that you first make a visual impact on your users. For that, make sure you have a good product photography catalog.

2. Engaging description and CRO

A good picture must have an attractive title to capture the attention of your audience. But that’s not all. You should also write a short description of your product or service. These two things have a lot to do with CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization).

When we talk about CRO we are talking about techniques that aim to increase the percentage of sales, leads or any type of conversion. Keep in mind that its objective is not to increase the number of visits, but to make that same number of visits convert more. For that reason, both an attractive title and description can be very important for your online store.

BROOBE TIP: Make sure your description is well detailed. An informed customer is more likely to make a purchase.

3. Brand strengths and weaknesses

It is very important that you focus on communicating your strengths and leave aside your weaknesses. You should identify what differentiates you from your competitors and convey that information to your potential customers.

4. Usability

It will be useless to have beautiful pictures with an attractive title and a wonderful description, if the navigability of your eCommerce is complex or not very intuitive. You must always keep in mind that your eCommerce stands for your store and the more organized your store is, the better your customers’ experience will be.

Focus on User Experience (UX)

It’s most likely you have heard these words before and wondered what this was all about. Nowadays we could say that user experience (also called UX) is one of the most important aspects for your eCommerce.

UX is considered to be any interaction between a user and the services or products offered by a company. Sounds pretty abstract, doesn’t it? We could say, then, that the user experience will be satisfactory or not depending on whether our products and services are easily accessible.

And what does a satisfactory experience mean? It means that we were able to solve a problem in a simple, clear and efficient way (and, therefore, that user is very likely to come back to us when a new need comes up). So, we could say that from a good experience comes the trust that we will generate in our customers.

Another important aspect to take into account is that a user who trusts us is someone to whom we can offer more than what he is looking for. And that’s a good opportunity to show them our full range of products and services.

Online shopping after the pandemic

Working remotely, connecting with friends and family through a computer, and enjoying the latest movies from the comfort of our couch are just some of the many habits that changed with Covid-19. And to all this we should add another one that is as important as – for the moment – irreversible: the change in the way we consume.

Today we can do practically all our shopping through a computer or cell phones. Whether through eCommerce or social networks, everything is at our fingertips and we do not need to go to a store to get what we are looking for. Covid showed us that there is a simpler way to consume.

But not only did it change how we consume, it also changed what we consume.

Before the pandemic, cell phones were the most sought after item by users. However, as of 2020, technology consumption was displaced by clothing, sporting goods and food. In fact, food delivery climbed 7 positions in the year of the pandemic.

In addition to all this, today’s technology makes it possible to have a presence in the digital world without it being impossible to afford. Even small businesses can have an online presence and, with good advice, can achieve great results.

Should I participate in the Hot Sale?

Absolutely. The statistics provided by the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE) speak for themselves. According to the organizer of these events, “during the 72 hours of the Hot Sale, products and services were sold for a total of $42,167,000,000 (forty-two thousand one hundred and sixty-seven million argentine pesos), which represents a 69% growth in turnover compared to the Hot Sale 2021”. That is, an average of $585 million pesos per hour.

These numbers reflect two very important things. First, that the public feels very comfortable with online sales events. Secondly, that more and more people participate every year. If the trend continues, these dates will become essential for all companies.

We have solutions

A very successful Hot Sale has just ended. In November, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming, and you still have time to plan your participation. Do you need advice to improve your online sales? Contact us, at Broobe we know how to help you!

Ignacio Moulia
Escritor especializado en tecnología y marketing digital, apasionado por el contenido efectivo.

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