Copywriter and UX writer… are they the same?

Absolutely not. While we might consider that copywriters and UX writers do the same thing, actually, their primary goals are far more different than we would think. They both write, yes, but to achieve different things.

“Content is king”

The article “Content is king” was written by Bill Gates in 1996. And although more than twenty-five years have passed, the phrase is still very much relevant (perhaps even more so than when it was originally said). However, Gates was not referring to content as we understand it today. He was actually referring to the sale of information. Keep in mind it was 1996 and Internet was a bit different from today.

So what do we mean today when we say that “content is king”? Let me say it in a simplistic yet truthful way: content rules everything. And that’s why it plays such a key role in marketing strategies.

Whether through content marketing, helping to build brand personality or “talking to” search engines to better position our site, content is something we cannot neglect. And those who will be in charge of creating it are mainly copywriters and UX writers.

What’s the purpose of UX writing?

As we have already seen in previous posts, UX design is focused on user experience (if you missed our last post, you can read it here). And a good experience will bring the user closer to our brand. Yes, the main goal is to increase profitability and the best way to do it is through customer satisfaction.

The UX writer, then, is the one who must orient all the texts of the site or application to an intuitive and recognizable language for the user. In other words, the UX writer is the one who will make our brand dialogue with our customers.

When it comes to writing, our experts consider 4 keys for a good use of UX writing:

1. Provide solutions

A good UX text has to provide solutions. The information must be clear and orderly (there is no room for ambiguity here). Focus on the practical aspect of the site or app you are working on, that is, that there is a reason why your texts are there.

2. Write for your users

This seems obvious, but it is a very important aspect. UX Writing is oriented towards users who have already decided on our product or service. This means that our texts must be more empathetic than persuasive.

It is vital that you use a language with which these users can identify and feel at ease. In short, UX texts are there to improve their experience.

3. Guide your users

There are several resources to take your user through your site or app in an orderly and intuitive way. UX writers use text, of course, but also buttons, forms, menus or even error messages.

Another very new and effective method is the use of chatbots, that is, a virtual assistant with which your users can interact in real time through pre-established messages. The benefits of this resource are many, but mainly two: for the user, it gives the feeling that on the other side there is someone who can solve their problems, and for brands it gives them the possibility of gathering valuable information from their users.

For further information, read this article.

4. Find your own voice

You must have heard a thousand times that the important thing is to find your “brand personality” or “brand voice”. Well, UX writing has a lot to do with it.

Why? UX writing alone does not define a brand’s personality (just as with people, personality is determined by a set of many factors). What a good UX writer does is to make the user experience writing match the tone of our brand, thus generating a sense of coherence.

UX writing is not only a way to communicate; it must also be aligned with the mission and values of our brand.

copywriter ux writer

What is Copywriting?

If we think of its “dictionary definition”, we could say that copywriting is any persuasive text that leads our users to perform an action. However, at BROOBE we are not so fond of this kind of definition, so we will try to explain it in a fresher way.

Let’s start, then, by defining what copywriting is NOT. All text on a site or app is technically content, but not all content is copywriting. Let’s look at it this way: if we were to say “Bananas provide potassium” we would be generating content. But if instead we said: “A tasty fruit that gives you the potassium your body needs”, we would be doing copywriting.

Why? Because the first informs and the second persuades. Keep in mind that this persuasion can have different objectives: to get your user to ask for more information, to consume your product or service, to perform a specific action (for example, to follow you on social networks), or simply to provide a solution to a problem. But what cannot be missing in a good copy is the call to action.

There is not only one type of copywriting. Among the most common ones we can find:

No hay un solo tipo de copywriting. Dentro de los más comunes podemos encontrar:

Creative copywriting

Dedicated to developing the personality of your brand and giving it its own voice. In general, they are more general contents (although -as we have already seen- their main objective is always to generate conversions).

Direct response copywriting

This is the most widespread type of copywriting. It aims at a direct response from the readers. What does this mean? It means that from the text, readers should feel the need to perform one of the actions mentioned above. A good use of this strategy can generate a lot of conversions.

SEO copywriting

This type of copywriting is aimed at generating better positioning in search engines. To achieve this, copywriters must pay special attention to trends, to the correct use of keywords and, above all, to the originality of their content.

Technical copywriting

As its name indicates, it is the most technical writing. That is to say, texts on very specific topics and aimed at a very specific audience. Nowadays it is very common to find this type of content in software companies.

Similarities between Copywriting and UX writing

Not all of it is a dispute between copywriting and UX writing. In fact, the two of them are complementary and, working together, can achieve excellent results.

We have already seen some differences, but there are also coincidences. For example, both must identify the target audience to communicate more effectively. At BROOBE, we always explain it this way: if our site was a safari, UX writing would be our guide and copywriting would be the scenery. And the experience would become unforgettable if both dialogue with each.

Secondly, both techniques aim to bring the product or service closer to our users. We could say that the copy will give the information to our users and the UX writing will tell them what to do with it.

Finally, both copywriters and UX writers are fundamental pieces when it comes to achieving an original and identifiable brand voice for our users. It depends on them, to a great extent, that our users believe and trust us.

We have solutions

At BROOBE we have a team of professionals who can help you throughout the UX design process as well as with the texts of your site. Contact us and we will help you find the voice of your brand.

Ignacio Moulia
Escritor especializado en tecnología y marketing digital, apasionado por el contenido efectivo.

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